Jaguar E-Type Series 1 - LHD to RHD conversion
One of the projects we have recently completed at P&K Thornton Restorations is the conversion of a Jaguar E-Type Series 1 from LHD to RHD. The 1962 E-Type was recently imported from the US of A, typical left-hand drive Britain’s best export. After importing it to the UK, our client owner enjoyed in LHD shape for a while, with the expected challenges of having the steering wheel on the wrong side of the car.
Converting an E-Type from LHD to RHD is a project requiring specialist skills. One of our restoration technicians with over 20 years of experience in the trade took on the task. We were supplied with a kit by the client with the materials needed to undergo the restoration. The project began by removing the pedal box from the left side, we were careful to avoid damaging the heater box so the pedal box could be pivoted out. With the pedal box out and pedal pads removed, the pedals were modified to a new steering orientation. On the left hand side, now the passenger side, bulkhead blanking panels were fitted with new gaskets and sealer. Following on, the steering rack and existing mountings were removed, which were replaced with new ones from the kit provided. The radiator was removed to allow for adjustments to the steering column and the rear carburettor was removed to fit the steering bulkhead seal. Then the steering column and rack were fitted and connected to the lower column.
Our technician’s attention then went to the wiring. The dashtop and radio console were removed, and the gauge panel was dropped down to allow us access to the wiring system. Several wires needed extending to allow them to reach the new location on the right side and other items such as the washer bottle needed re-locating, which was moved to the left side of the bulkhead. The heater switch wiring behind the centre dash was lengthened to accommodate the reversed switch order for the new RHD layout, aligning with the E-Type gauge positioning. A new lighting legend matched the updated switch locations. The ignition switch and push button were swapped, with the ignition switch replaced due to loose terminals. The voltage regulator was relocated and the polarity change required fitting a negative earth type.
The upper column was swapped over with it’s mounts and the indicator bracket was relocated to the right side to prevent interference with the centre dash. A spare bracket was welded onto the column for this purpose. The old dash was removed, and the newly trimmed RHD glove box and dash panels were refitted with original components, pre-trimmed for efficiency. The heater knobs were replaced and the passenger grab handle’s removal left holes, so the A-pillar was retrimmed in the correct tan colour. New holes were drilled on the left side of the dash, so the grab handle could be installed.
The speedo cable was then rerouted to the correct side. Additionally, the window wipers needed moving, which involved switching the central wiping mechanism, installing RHD wiper arms and making necessary adjustments. The rear brake pipe was rerouted to the right side, connecting to an existing joint. Also, a deeper bottle bracket was sourced to achieve the desired throttle clearance. The front copper kunfier brake pipe was reshaped and reused, requiring the T-piece union to be relocated. The front master-to-union pipe was shortened and reshaped, while new pipes were made for the reservoir-to-masters and rear master-to-rear brake joint connections.
The throttle linkage took a little while because both rods had to be shortened by different amounts. This was done to get the throttle pedal to be sat further back than the brake pedal for comfort. Finally, new carpets were fitted and the under-dash panels hardura material were installed. The wiring was tested after a dynator was fitted and the oil pressure gauge was changed to work with the new negative earth arrangement.
After many hours of work for our technicians, the E-Type was thoroughly road tested and MOT’d and ultimately handed back to the client for them to enjoy now with the steering on the correct side of the British roads.
For any classic Jaguar restoration work required, please get in touch.
Call us on 0115 9262266 or email us at